Wednesday 19 December 2012

It's going to be a K-Pop Christmas

All right, I'll be honest. I don't really listen to K-pop. I like K-indie, K-rock, K-other stuff, but don't really pay attention to K-pop. There are a lot of songs that I like though. I like 2NE1, I enjoy SNSD from time to time, not for their legs but their songs, and I'll turn to other K-pop bands if I enjoy the music. Being Christmas and all, I decided that I would look for some Christmas-themed K-pop songs.

Starting with this one:

I only know two people from this combo. Si-kyung and Hyo-Shin. That's pretty much about my K-pop knowledge for me. But this is a pretty cozy song with a nice combination of various singers (and a rapper).

Up next is Sweet Sorrow, a four member a capella vocal group.

I do have to admit, this is really cute. And gosh they're so adept with their voices. I give applause to their ability to harmonize into such vocal richness.

Next are some big names among Korean singers. Kim Bum Soo, and Lena Park.

I'm not even going to comment on how good that is.

Anyways, I was surprised to find original Christmas songs from K-pop. Often artists just rehash old carols, but Koreans are awfully inventive. Hope you found these cozy enough to get you into the holiday spirit.

Monday 17 December 2012

I'm Dreaming of a White Kristmas.

I've got a chocolate calendar which I'm popping little milk duds out of day by day. So far, I'm on day 17. It goes all the way until 25, which is Christmas. It's actually taking a tremendous amount of self-control for me, since I'm not at all someone who eats chocolate in single pieces. But it's pretty fun, counting down to the grandest holiday of the year. As people say, the waiting is often sweeter. 

So I thought it'd be wise to dig up some Christmas albums. 

Here's J Rabbit, bringing you some unique covers of traditional holiday music, like this one. 

I don't often listen to carols, unless it's really one of a kind. Carol albums these days come out like factory made cars. This indie duo though, is really something. Just look at that video where the two of them do the work of a small band. 

J Rabbit really is a rare find. I admire their versatility, and their inventiveness in giving old songs fresh outfits that works perfectly. After I've indulged myself enough in their ear-tickling Christmas goodness, I'll probably dig in to find some more of their original songs, and you should too. I hear they've got quite a history of great albums in their stockings. 

In the meantime though, let us all raise our glasses full of eggnog to a little Yuletide cheer from J Rabbit.