That's exactly what is going on with this next guitar duo I'm going to present. DEPAPEPE. They are a Japanese acoustic guitar duo, composed of Miura Takuya and Tokuoka Yoshinari, who debuted in 2002. The name is a combination of the stage names of these two guys who form the duo, Takuya as Depa, and Yoshinari as Pepe. Also, Yoshinari's previous band name was Derupepe.
Before I say anything further, here's Summer Parade, to remind us of that sweet sensation of sun's rays wrapping out body in its undying hearth.
Now that you feel a bit warmed up, I'm going to throw you another one that will remind you of winter. This one is called, Snow dance.
So here we are now, starting off with two season of that sweet guitar magic brought to you by Depapepe. One thing you would've noticed whether or not you're a keen listener, is that Depapepe's songs are always upbeat. They never have a downcast mood in their pieces. Melancholy, sadness, I'm going to exhibit this characteristic by presenting you, more songs, starting with Ready go!!
then moving onto Quarrel
and then ending with this one, called One.
By this time you probably understood the crux of my thesis. Most of Depapepe's songs are on a major key. That being said, a lot of their songs are rapt with buoyancy, and optimism. It's a defining character of Depapepe. You just can't have a bad day with their music, because when you listen to them, you're practically getting a warranty that states you will feel uplifted and happy. Listen to this next one and please try to tell me that it didn't make you feel better. Do try because you will likely fail, because the song is literally called, Morning smile.
All the mornings I've started off with putting this on in the background turned out fantastic, although rest of the day I would feel dismal due to Depapepe withdrawal until I get my next dose.
These days, it's hard to find cheer in anything I do, or experience. However, if there was one streak of line that shines on the derelict realm of misfortune that is my life, a large part of it would be Depapepe's music. To those who are looking for a little positivity in their life, I strongly recommend this group, because I know they've brought many smiles at least to myself, and I'm sure you'll find that much needed pat in the back that says "Cheer up! Live life!" in Depapepe as well.
As I'm signing out, I give you some more songs; Sky! Sky! Sky!, Wake up! and Flow
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